First United Methodist Church and Maynard Family Scholarships

FUMC Scholarship Application
Nebraska City First United Methodist Church Scholarship
Maynard Family Scholarship
The Nebraska City First United Methodist Church will award one $1,000 scholarship to the applicant who meets all requirements and is the first place scorer. The scholarship will be paid in two installments, of $500 each, prior to the beginning of two quarters or semesters. The scholarship money will be sent directly to the student’s college financial aid office.

The Nebraska City First United Methodist Church will award one $500 scholarship to the applicant who meets all requirements and is the second place scorer. The second place scorer will be awarded the $500 Maynard Family Scholarship. The scholarship will be paid in two installments, of $250 each, prior to the beginning of two quarters or semesters. The scholarship money will be sent directly to the student’s college financial aid office.

The Nebraska City First United Methodist Church will award one $250 scholarship to the applicant who meets all requirements and is the third place scorer. The scholarship will be paid in two installments, of $125 each, prior to the beginning of two quarters or semesters. The scholarship money will be sent directly to the student’s college financial aid office.

All 7 requirements MUST BE met to be considered.


1.Applicant must be a graduating high school senior
2.Applicant must be a current member of the Nebraska City First United Methodist Church active in attendance and activities
3.Applicant must complete Scholarship Form, available on School Website and at FUMC
4.Applicant must have maintained at least a 2.5 GPA/C+ average in high school
5.Applicant must answer all questions and complete all essays and return in a typewritten form
6.Applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from the Pastor of the Nebraska City First United Methodist Church
7.Applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from an active member, who is not a relative, of the Nebraska City First United Methodist Church